aka made in a plague - ongoing from 01.04.20 artists inc jean baynham, maite ibarreche, various artist. Virtual/unwitnessed show with works kept 6' apart from one another to maintain 'cultural distancing'. In the same way that during times of closure a theatre will keep a light on so it is important for a space to maintain a presence where its audience might normally be. Password: Made_in_a_Plague62

date tbc protest as a leisure activity and featuring various artist (visuals) and darryl georgiou + rebekah georgiou - tolley (audio) Password: Cabernet_Cabaret68

6.3.20 Everything Happening, All at Once, Simultaneously and at the Same Time featuring Art Bank / Jean Baynham / Darryl Georgia + Rebekah Tolley - Georgiou, Kirstie Harris, Alan Smith, Lexi Strauss and Various Artist Password:BigPlasticExplosion99

29.11.19 Agnes Villette and Gregoire Dupond's Beta Bunker (film) and Kirstie Harris' How I Learned To Stop Worrying 1945 - 2019 (sound)

29.11.19 with zoe bread, soraya fatha, kitty kovacevic, ploxa, robin stubbs. One night pop up show from this South East Worcestershire based artists' collective

28.9.19 raised £153 in support of MacMillan Trust. Featured emma tremble / paul johnson

3.8.19 featuring art bank, niña coulson, the jean freeman show, various artist shoes: artists own

14.6.7 featured jean baynham, jenna fox, helen grundy, james middleton, jain my, paul newman, lexi strauss, emma tremble image: paul newman from white van series 2019

14.5.19 featured jean baynham, rosie dowd - smyth, jenna fox, jean freeman, helen grundy, paul johnson, jain my, john robinson, lexi strauss, emma tremble chainsaw courtesy of lyn waldron design: helen grundy